Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I don't really know where to begin with this. I suppose I have some things to say. Some days more than others.

Today, I'd like to thank a few people that inspired me to do this, or at least inspired me to do SOMETHING.

My Wife - you are my rock, and thanks for putting up with me.
V of Violent Acres - you made me realize that I am the only one that can tell my story.
My therapist - you made me realize that my story does not have to be hidden.
Logan - you were my best friend, and I loved you. You were the brother I never had and didn't deserve. Your final fuck-up is the one that sent me to the edge. Without it, I never would have turned back around and realized what I was missing.

"What is the purpose of this blog?" you may be asking yourself. Hopefully, to entertain you in some way, make you reflect on your own life and the choices you've made, but mostly to do something creative. Even if you don't like it. Even if no one ever reads it.


*P.S. - The names and places of people have been changed to protect those I speak of and/or their family members.

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