Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama...Citizen or Not

Disclaimer: this is not an article in support of or against the Obama administration. It is an article about the absurd things that people will believe in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

Barack Obama has provided a Hawaiian birth certificate. It shows that he was born in Hawaii and is a citizen of the United Sates of American and this means that he is eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. That is all the proof that is necessary by law.

None of those facts, however, seem to dissuade some groups from claiming that his is not a citizen and therfore not eligible to hold this office. If you believe that, then think about this: The entire RNC, John McCain, the FEC, Rush Limbaugh, and thousands of other people were not able to find one shred of proof for this accusation. If there was any proof that Obama was not a citizen, don't you think that his political opponents would have found it and publicized it? It would have been a boon for for the RNC to wait until a week or two before the election and provide the proof that would have sent the Democrats into a tailspin that they could not have recovered from in time. There is NO eveidence anywhere that has been produced by anyone that Obama is ineligible to serve as President of the United States.

The goal of those that spread these rumors is to plant the seed of doubt in the minds of those that disagree. It casts a shadow on this administration and the Democrats. It is only there to put a false perception in people's minds, so that in the next election, they hope that people will remember this and think that there is a reason to vote for a Republican instead. Buck the system and vote for a different party if you don't like this.

Think for yourself, and analyze the physical evidence that is available. Or you come up with some physical evidence that can be confirmed that supports your accusations. The burden of proof in this country is on the ones making accusations, not on the accused.


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