Friday, July 24, 2009

The Dark Tower Has Messed Me Up

I started reading the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Excellent books, by the way. I have read the first four books and have started the fifth all in about a month.

I realized yesterday that the writing style of Stephen King has actually affected my ability to write emails. The overtly courteous manner of speech between the characters set in a world that is sort of like the Old West meets King Arthur in the Twilight Zone has caused me to type some really odd things to coworkers and supervisors.

Luckily, I am the type of person that reads an email about fifty times before I send it. So far I have been able to change any phrases that would be completely out of place in our modern society, but, as I continue reading the final three books, I hope that nothing slips through that might make people look at me funny.

I hope that this finds you well.


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