Monday, July 13, 2009

Feeling Small

An open letter to humanity:

Over six billion people and countless billions of other life forms inhabit this planet we call Earth.

Yet, this planet is a smallish one. It revolves around a medium sized star we call the Sun.

The solar system we are a part of inhabits a nondescript region of the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way galaxy isn't even special among the galaxies we can easily see.

When we take a wider and deeper look at the universe we see that even our galactic neighborhood isn't any different than anything else we can see.

(Yes, these are all galaxies!)

Despite the vastness of this universe and the potential for other life within it, we are, to our knowledge thus far, unique. I do believe that someday, we will actually be able to determine through scientific means just exactly how unique we really are, and I think that the answer will be 'not very'. And yet, most people that inhabit the surface of this little speck in the universe of one part dirt and two parts water actually think that whether or not they can buy that Coach purse, can get high, can earn a few extra dollars, or can even win a war matters. It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that we treat each other better. I'm not talking about religion or dogma. Just stop being assholes to one another.

We can either focus on trying to control each other on this tiny planet, or we can treat one another better and find ways to spread those aspects of humanity that we find redeeming throughout the rest of the universe. One day we will find others, and hopefully we won't embarrass ourselves.


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